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Currently we are looking for an experienced Business Unit Manager and Key Account Manager with excellent organisational skills to work with us in Sweden.


Business Unit Manager

You will be responsible for:

- managing sales activities - creating and supervising trade offers,

- identifying business opportunities and maintaining key clients' relationship,

- technical advice with regard to our products - HP, IBM, Cisco, Juniper, APC, Microsoft, Symantec, VMWare in particular,

- developing strategic plan,

- managing all operations throughout the country,

- co-operating with company's HQ,

- reporting directly to the CEO.



- five years experience in IT industry,

- good IT skills combined with a good head for business,

- excellent command of English,

- excellent communication and analytical skills,

- excellent organizational skills,

- strong leadership capabilities,

- highly motivated and results-oriented,

- knowledge of HP, IBM, Cisco, Juniper, APC, Microsoft, Symantec, and VMWare would be an advantage.



Key Account Manager


You will be responsible for:

- direct and coordinate activities involving sales of IT products,

- prepare technical and price proposals for clients,

- maintain and develop good business relationships with current and future clients of the Employer,

- to constantly improve methods and technics of sale, market analysis regarding clients and competitors,

- present the products and advise current and future customers of the employer with regard to technical and product characteristics, decisions and consumer benefits.


What you need for this position:

- experience and knowledge of IT industry,

- very good English skills,

- excellent communication, analytical skills,

- excellent organization skills,

- proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook,

- knowledge of Microsoft, Cisco, HP, Juniper, APC, IBM products will be an advantage.




Candidates interested in our offer are asked to send their CV (in English version) to the following e-mail address: career at senetic dot com with annotation what kind of position (in which country) are you applying for.


Currently we are also looking for Business Unit Managers and Key Account Managers in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.

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